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List of store events

For your convenience, we have put all the most important notifications about your store in one place. As soon as you enter the admin panel of your store, you will see them on the right side of the main view. In the event log, you will find a chronological record of the most important actions that have taken place since the store was opened or notifications were archived:

The event log includes:

New order

Goods running out

Out of stock

System update

New account

Notification of product availability

Late payments

You will see what you have missed and what needs to be taken care of in the blink of an eye.

Do you have questions and need our help?

Contact us Step-by-step instructions
+48 792 725 777 kontakt@selesto.pl
Contact data:

Company details: Selesto sp. z o.o.
Grzebieniowa 16c
26-600 Radom

NIP: 9482612159
KRS: 0000703231

Hotline: +48 792 725 777
+48 793 702 333

Main address: kontakt@selesto.pl

Technical Support: pomoc@selesto.pl

Marketing department: marketing@selesto.pl

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