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Reservation of the trademark

Protect your brand and register a trademark. Don't wait for someone else to take your name.

We’ll help you register a trademark in Poland or throughout the European Union. We work with lawyers who know their stuff. They are professionals who deal with trademark protection on a daily basis.
How much it costs?

The costs of registering a trademark depend primarily on the area of ​​protection and the number of classes in which the mark would benefit from protection. These costs include official fees and the attorney's fee. So the pricing will be individual.

For example, official fees related to the registration of a trademark in Poland in 3 classes are 640 PLN fees for the registration of the mark (400 PLN for the first class and 120 PLN for each subsequent class). Then, after obtaining a conditional decision, it’s necessary to pay:

  • 1.200 PLN for the 10-year protection period (400 PLN for each class)
  • 90 PLN for the publication of information on the granted protection right

In the case of an application for a similar trademark (in 3 classes) in the EU, the official fees are:

  • 1.050 EUR (850 EUR for the first class, in the case of 2 classes 900 EUR, and an additional 150 EURfor each subsequent class).

In the case of the EU, there is no additional fee for the first protection period and the publication of information on the granted protection right.

Preparation of the application for registration includes the examination of the registration capacity (chances of obtaining registration of the mark). Preparation and submission of an application for registration of a trademark up to 3 classes costs 900 PLN net in the case of registration in Poland, and 1.200 PLN net in the case of registration in the EU.

You’ll receive an exact quote from us after examining your situation and needs.
We can also help you if your competitor already uses your mark or a similar one.

Get in touch with us
+48 792 725 777 kontakt@selesto.pl
Contact data:

Company details: Selesto sp. z o.o.
Grzebieniowa 16c
26-600 Radom

NIP: 9482612159
KRS: 0000703231

Hotline: +48 792 725 777
+48 793 702 333

Main address: kontakt@selesto.pl

Technical Support: pomoc@selesto.pl

Marketing department: marketing@selesto.pl

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