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Notification of product availability

When running an online store, you know very well that product availability is the key to sales. However, it may happen that the besieged goods will quickly disappear from your shelves. Then what?

Instead of hiding the product page, you can continue selling through it. The product availability notification feature allows you to collect people interested in a given product.

It looks like this

The customer sees the lack of a product, e.g. a dress in size S, which they are interested in.

They type their email address to be notified when the product becomes available again.

After you update your inventory, your customers will receive an email with information about the availability of the item that they will be able to buy.

This feature allows customers to be recovered in a customer-friendly manner.
They don’t have to "watch” until the product appears on sale and they do not worry that someone has outrun them. For you, this function becomes additionally useful when ordering goods, because you know how many people are interested in buying a given item.

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+48 792 725 777 kontakt@selesto.pl
Contact data:

Company details: Selesto sp. z o.o.
Grzebieniowa 16c
26-600 Radom

NIP: 9482612159
KRS: 0000703231

Hotline: +48 792 725 777
+48 793 702 333

Main address: kontakt@selesto.pl

Technical Support: pomoc@selesto.pl

Marketing department: marketing@selesto.pl

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