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Trustisto integration with Selesto

Try integrating with Trustisto and build trust with your customers without spending a single coin on advertising.

How to increase sales in your online store?

Try integrating with Trustisto and build trust with your customers without spending a single coin on advertising. Trustisto is a tool that uses social proof of equity to increase conversions. If you want to turn your visitors into customers, pop-up notifications can help you with that.

This tool will allow you to display dynamic messages about how many people are viewing a given product or who recently made purchases in the store.

Psychologically, this builds trust in the seller and the goods, because the customer sees that he is not the only one interested in the product. It also increases the feeling that a given item can sell out quickly, which in turn results in a purchase.

Turn on the integration with Trustisto today and see how your sales will benefit.
+48 792 725 777 kontakt@selesto.pl
Contact data:

Company details: Selesto sp. z o.o.
Grzebieniowa 16c
26-600 Radom

NIP: 9482612159
KRS: 0000703231

Hotline: +48 792 725 777
+48 793 702 333

Main address: kontakt@selesto.pl

Technical Support: pomoc@selesto.pl

Marketing department: marketing@selesto.pl

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